Organisation / Organizing

Anstehende Veranstaltungen / Upcoming Event
  • 17th December 2021: international online workshop on adverbial clauses and subordinate dependency relationships
  • 20th-21st May 2022: international conference on Adverbial Clauses Between Coordination and Subordination at the University of Cologne
  • 16th September: international workshop on the diachrony and variation of adverbial clauses at the University of Cologne
Vergangene Veranstaltungen / Past Events

In September 2021, I organized the international conference Formal Diachronic Semantics 6 (FoDS 6). Proceedings from the conference will be published in a thematic collection in the next two years.

In the summer semester, Klaus von Heusinger and I organized the linguistic colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis at the University of Cologne. A detailed program with external guests and invited speakers can be looked up here.


In February 2020, I co-organized an international conference on Non-interrogative subordinate wh-clauses together with Carla Umbach at the University of Cologne [link] [schedule] [poster]. Proceedings from the conference will be published with Oxford University Press in the book series Oxford Studies in Theoretical Linguistics. The event was funded by the Daimler and Benz Foundation.


In July 2019, I co-organized an international workshop on the diachrony of causal clauses at the 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL 24) at the Australian National University in Canberra (Australia) together with Constanze Fleczoreck [description] [schedule]. Proceedings from the workshop will appear as a virtual special issue in the journal Linguistics Vanguard (title: Causal Clauses and Their Diachronic Suitability for Processes of Language Change), and as a collection in the book series Studies in Language Companion Series with John Benjamins (title: Micro- and Macro-variation of Causal Clauses. Synchronic and Diachronic Insights).


In the winter semester, Klaus von Heusinger and I organized the linguistic colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis at the University of Cologne. A detailed program with external guests and invited speakers can be looked up here.


In the summer semester, Klaus von Heusinger and I organized the linguistic colloquium Linguistischer Arbeitskreis at the University of Cologne. A detailed program with external guests and invited speakers can be looked up here.

In January, I co-organized an international workshop entitled 3rd Workshop Germanistische Linguistik zwischen Köln und Tokio: Grammatik im Spannungsfeld zwischen Syntax und Semantik. We run the workshop in the House of Prominence and had interesting talks as well as thought-provoking question and comment sessions. It was a very successful event!


In August, I co-organized the workshop “Towards a Typology of Olfactory Expressions”. It always strikes me that some things can have a pleasant smell in one language, while the same things may stink in other languages. I wonder, and the main aim of the workshop was to figure out, what lies behind such a different use of olfactory expressions. The workshop was a joint work with Przemysław Staniewski (University of Wrocław, Poland) and Malika Reetz (University of Potsdam, Germany), and we run it at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea at the University of Naples (Italy). You can find our workshop description, schedule as well as all abstracts here. We were also happy to have Åke Viberg (Uppsala University, Sweden) as our invited speaker. Our proceedings appeared with the John Benjamins publishing house in the series Typological Studies in Language.

Richard LarsonIn  July, two colleagues of mine, Werner Frey and Andreas Pankau, and me run a very exciting workshop on adverbial clauses at the Center for General Linguistics in Berlin. In the picture, you can see Richard Larson from the Stony Brook University, our invited speaker, delivering a fascinating talk about correlative clauses in Warlpiri (a Pama-Nyungan language spoken in Australia), and showing that syntactic boundaries between relative, complement and adverbial clauses are very fuzzy. Proceedings from our workshop including articles of external colleagues appeared as a special collection in an open-access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal Glossa

Also in July, I co-organized a second summer school on historical linguistics at the University of Potsdam. It was entitled Word Order Variation and Change. Diachronic Insights into Germanic Diversity. We invited the following colleagues as teachers: Theresa Biberauer, Marco Coniglio, Jan Terje Faarlund, Jacob Hoeksema, Bettelou Los, and Christine Salvesen.


Together with my colleague from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel), Nora Boneh, I organized a workshop at the 22nd International Conference on Historical Linguistics in Naples (Italy), 27–31 July. The title of our workshop was Habituality and Genericity in Flux and its description can be looked up here. Keynote speakers were Regine Eckardt (University of Konstanz) and Hana Filip (Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf). We published our workshop proceedings in a special issue of the journal Language Typology and Universals. Furthermore, selected papers presented at the workshop were also published in the journal Linguistics [article1], [article2].


In September, I co-organized a summer school in historical linguistics at the University of Potsdam. The following colleagues taught at the summer school: Kersti Börjars, Tonya Kim Dewey, David Fertig, and Christopher Sapp.


At the 46th Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea at the Split University (Croatia), 18–21 September, I organized with Ulrike Demske a workshop on infinitival clauses. The workshop was entitled “Infinitives at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Diachronic Perspective”. We published our workshop proceedings in a special issue in the Journal of Historical Linguistics (John Benjamins) and in a volume in the series Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs (Mouton de Gruyter). The title of the volume is the same as the one of our workshop.

I organized my first workshop at the 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics in Oslo (Norway), 5–9 August 2013. The co-organizers were Mathias Schenner and Kerstin Schwabe, both from the Centre of General Linguistics in Berlin (ZAS), where I also used to work. The title of the workshop was “New Insights into the Syntax and Semantics of Complementation” and we invited the following keynote speakers: Katrin Axel-Tober, Elly van Gelderen, and Regine Eckardt. The workshop description and schedule can be looked up here. The proceedings of the workshop appeared as a special issue of the journal Historical Syntax, a daughter journal of Language. It is an open-access and double-blind peer-reviewed journal. The special issue can be found here.

In June, I co-organized Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften at the Centre of General Linguistics in Berlin (ZAS). It was a very successful event with many guests (pictures).