News & Updates

New publication: Grammaticalization of “versprechen” in German

I am happy to announce that my new paper has been published with the Oxford University Press. The paper is entitled “On the grammaticalization of temporal-aspectual heads. The case of German versprechen ‘promise’” and it appeared in the volume Micro-change and Macro-change in Diachronic Syntax co-edited by Robert Truswell & Éric Mathieu. The volume goes back to the 15th Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference that took place at the University of Ottawa (Canada) in August of 2013.

New publication: Book on the diachrony of infinitives

Last week I learnt that my new book entitled Infinitives at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Diachronic Perspective co-edited with Ulrike Demske (University of Potsdam) was published. The book emerged out of a workshop that we organized at the 46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea at the University of Split (Croatia) in September of 2013. In addition to this collection, we also guest-edited a special issue in Journal of Historical Linguistics on a similar topic.

Notification of acceptance: The Linguistics of Olfaction

It is my great pleasure to announce that I’ll be guest-editing a typological volume entitled “The Linguistics of Olfaction” together with my colleague Przemysław Staniewski (University of Wrocław). The intended collection is a result of a workshop that we organized together with Malika Reetz (University of Potsdam) at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea at the University of Naples in August of 2016. The volume will appear in the series Typological Studies in Language with John Benjamins and encompass approx. 20 contributions by over 30 authors. Stay tuned for more information!

New publication: Special issue on complementation

I am thrilled to announce that special issue New Insights into the Syntax and Semantics of Complementation guest-edited by myself appeared in the section Historical Syntax of Language, journal of Linguistic Society of America. The special issue emerged out of a workshop that I organized together with Kerstin Schwabe and Mathias Schenner at the University of Oslo in August of 2013 at the 21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics and consists of the papers by Katrin Axel-Tober, Ira Eberhardt, Roland Meyer and my short introduction to the topic.

Invited talk: Saarbrücken

I feel honoured to be allowed to give a guest talk at the Saarland University (Germany) in July of 2017. The talk will be on the diachronic semantics of adverbial clauses.

Course evaluation: University of Cologne

In the winter semester 2016/17, I taught a basic course at the University of Cologne. It was entitled “Einführung in die Sprachwissenschaft” and designed for undergraduate students. I asked students to evalute the course. Here you can find their comments.

Invited talk: Düsseldorf

I am happy to announce that I will give a guest talk at the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Germany) in June of 2017. The talk will focus on the diachronic semantics of adverbial clauses.

Course evaluation: University of Potsdam

In the winter semester 2016/17, I taught an extensive course at the University of Potsdam. It was entitled “Historisch-vergleichende Syntax” and designed for graduate students. During the semester we dealt with different diachronic, in particular syntactic, developments in Indo-European languages with main focus on West-Germanic languages. I asked students to evalute the course. Here you can find their comments.

Invited talk

I am very happy to announce that I have been invited to contribute to the workshop Die Linguistik der Anderen which will take place at the English Department at the Free University of Berlin in March of 2017. The workshop will be part of the conference 18. Norddeutsches Linguistisches Kolloquium and the main aim is to bring together linguists using different theoretical frameworks and to discuss their advantages as well as drawbacks with respect to selected phenomena.