Vorträge / Talks

Future talks

  • October 2024: On non-at-issueness of embora-clauses. Evidence from concessive clauses in Portuguese and beyond, 40.º Encontro Nacional da Associação Portuguesa de Linguística, University of the Azores [schedule]
  • November 2024: Getting into the right mood in concessive clauses. A cross-linguistic diachronic perspective, colloquium ‘Linguistic Lecture Series’, University of Potsdam
    (invited talk) [abstract]
  • January 2025: Tba, seminar ‘Sensible Sprache im Deutschunterricht’, University of Cologne (invited talk)
  • March 2025, On the synchrony and diachrony of adverbial manner clauses. The case of indem-clauses in German, conference: MiMA!-Workshop on the Grammar of Manner Adverbials, Utrecht University (invited talk) [abstract]
  • Spring 2025: Invited research stays at the University of Chicago and at the University of Toronto with a series of lectures

Eingeladene Vorträge / invited talks

  • September 2024: Zur Kommasetzung in Infinitivstrukturen. Diachrone und didaktische Aspekte, conference: Interpunktionszeichen – facettenreiche ‘Kleinigkeiten’, University of Padova [schedule]
  • September 2024: Adverbial subordination in Creole languages, The SCroIL workshop on subordination strategies in Creole languages, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Paris (cancelled on short notice)  [schedule]
  • May 2024: On the mood choice in concessive clauses. Diachronic insights into synchronic diversity, colloquium ‘Linguistic Seminar’, University of Padova
  • March 2024: Subjunctive and its non-at-issueness. The case of mood alternation in concessive clauses, colloquium ‘Málvísindakaffi’, University of Iceland
  • March 2023: Diachronic sources of adverbial clauses. Implications for synchronic analyses. Centro de Linguística da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal) [abstract] [announcement].
  • March 2023: Sprachliche Zweifelsfälle im DaF-Unterricht. Universidade de Lisboa, Departamento de Estudos Germanistícos (Portugal) [abstract].
  • October 2022: On the variation of um-zu-clauses in German. Invited talk, ANU Linguistics Seminar Series, The Australian National University (Australia) [abstract] [announcement].
  • July 2021: Zur Variation von um-zu-Sätzen im Deutschen. Linguistics Colloquium, Tübingen (Germany).
  • March 2020: On adverbial mirative clauses in German and Icelandic (joint work with Heimir van der Feest Viðarsson). The Linguistics Society of Iceland, Reykjavík (Iceland).
  • December 2019: Unverhofft kommt oft: Zu Korrelat(ion)en und Nebensätzen. Workshop zum Abschluss des BMBF-Programms 2008-2019, Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (Germany) [schedule].
  • October 2019: Postnominal demonstratives in older German and beyond. Workshop: Pronouns and Discourse Prominence, GrimmWelt, Kassel (Germany) [schedule] [poster].
  • September 2019: Unverhofft kommt oft. Zum Status von Adverbialsätzen im Deutschen. Jahrestreffen der Stipendiaten, Fellows und Alumni der Daimler und Benz Stiftung, Ladenburg (Germany) [Link].
  • September 2018: On exceptive clauses in (the history of) Polish, Colloquium: Forum for Theoretical Linguistics, Oslo (Norway) [abstract].
  • June 2018: On the semantic change of evidential jakoby-clauses in the history of Polish. Kolloquium Slawistische Linguistik, Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) [abstract].
  • July 2017: On the syntax of falls-clauses in German. Saarland University (Germany).
  • June 2017: On (the diachrony of) jakoby-clauses in Polish, colloquium ‘Semantics-Pragmatics Exchange’, Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (Germany) [abstract].
  • March 2017: Panel discussion “Die Linguistik der Anderen” on different theoretical frameworks, Free University of Berlin (Germany) [description of the workshop] [certificate of participation].
  • February 2017: Wie mobil sind Auxiliarklitika und was verraten sie über die Illokutionskraft abhängiger Sätze im Polnischen? Kolloquium Slawistische Linguistik, Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany) [abstract].
  • July 2016: Zur Verwendung und Entstehung von falls-Sätzen im Deutschen. Ruhr-Universität Bochum (Germany).
  • July 2016: Falls-Sätze im Deutschen aus historisch-vergleichender Perspektive. Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany).
  • September 2015: On the (diachronic) status of inceptive phase predicates in Polish. Conference: ‘10th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society‘, Workshop ‘The Study of Slavic Grammar from Multiple Perspectives’, University of Heidelberg (Germany), organized by Teodora Radeva-Bork [abstract] [schedule] [slides].
  • October 2014: On the Cyclical Needs of Need Verbs: The Diachrony of NPIs in German, Workshop ‘Cartographier les Mondes Possibles’, Paris-Sorbonne University (France), organized by Pierre-Yves Modicom & †Grégory Nardozza [certificate of participation].
  • October 2011: (Double) Modal Verbs in Germanic – Some Methodological and Typological Remarks, Workshop ‘Modality in Germanic Languages’, University of Jena (Germany), organized by Volker Gast & Ekkehard König.

Populärwissenschaftliche Vorträge / popular scientific talks

  • July 2015: Herausbildung der deutschen Hochsprache (invited talk promoting the history of German language). Gabriele-von-Bülow-Gymnasium, Berlin-Reinickendorf.
  • June 2013: Welche Geschichte verspricht versprechen zu versprechen. Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften at the Centre of General Linguistics in Berlin (ZAS).

Konferenzvorträge / conference talks


  • July: On wh-clauses in Lakurumau (Oceanic, Papua New Guinea) and beyond, conference ‘Syntax of the World’s Languages IX’, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima [joint talk with Lidia Mazzitelli] [schedule]
  • May: On the syntax and variation of clausal exceptives across Scandinavian. Synchronic and diachronic insights, workshop on ‘Microvariation and microchange in the Scandinavian languages’, University of Agder [joint talk with Ásgrímur Angantýsson]




  • September [with Wojciech Guz]: Mapping Polish że ‘that’ onto a functional continuum. Conference: 16th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS-16), University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (USA) [schedule].
  • June [with Lisa Lubomierski]: On the link between progressivity and dispositional modality. Evidence from (the history of) German stehen ‘stand’ + (zu-)infinitive. Conference: 35th Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop (CGSW 35), Trento (Italy) [abstract] [schedule].
  • June [with Ásgrímur Angantýsson]: Layers of subordinate clauses: A view from causal af-því-að-clauses in Icelandic. Conference: 12th International Conference of Nordic and General Linguistics (NGL 12), Oslo (Norway) [abstract] [schedule].
  • May [with Wojciech Guz]: Gdzie ‘where’ as a concessive complementizer. Evidence from Polish subordinate clauses. Conference: Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 30 (FASL 30), MIT (USA) [abstract] [schedule].
  • May [with Wojciech Guz]: Subordinate clauses as ActP modifiers. Evidence from concessive clauses in Polish. Slavic Linguistics Colloquium, Berlin (Germany) [abstract].
  • February: Commentary on Shungo Fujii’s talk “Subjekt in verbalen und präpositionalen Imperativsätzen” at the 6th Workshop “Germanistische Linguistik zwischen Köln und Tokio: Vom Ereignis zum Diskurs”, Cologne (Germany) [link] [handout].


  • November [with Wojciech Guz]: On the need for spoken corpora in grammatical description: The case of Polish że ‘that’ as an elaboration marker. Conference: The 8th International Conference Grammar & Corpora, Kraków (Poland).
  • September [with Ásgrímur Angantýsson]: Um túlkun og formgerð af-því-að-setninga í íslensku. Conference: Hugvísindasvið 2020 at the University of Iceland (YouTube link, 1:22:24).
  • August [with Wojciech Guz]: Polish że ‘that’ and its discourse functions. Workshop: Discourse Phenomena in Typological Perspective organized by Alessandra Barotto & Simone Mattiola. Conference: 53rd Annual Meeting of Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE 2020) at the University of Bucharest (Romania) [certificate of participation].
  • May [with Wojciech Guz]: From subordination to elaboration: The case of the declarative complementizer że ‘that’ in Polish. Conference: 29th Annual Meeting of the Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics (FASL 29) at the University of Washington-Seattle (USA) [poster presentation].
  • February: Commentary on Yuto Yamazaki’s talk “Diskursive Prominenz und Spaltsätze” at the 5th Workshop “Germanistische Linguistik zwischen Köln und Tokio: Informationsstruktur in Semantik und Syntax”, Cologne (Germany) [link].


  • December: Zum Status von adverbialen ansonsten-Sätzen, Berlin (Germany) [abstract].
  • November [with Jan Miebach]: On adverbial ansonsten-clauses. Conference: Saarbrücken Roundtable of Dialect Syntax (SaRDiS 2019), Saarbrücken (Germany) [abstract].
  • July: On relative um-zu-clauses in German. Workshop: Discourse Structure in Contrast, Ahrweiler (Germany) [abstract] [schedule].
  • July [with Constanze Fleczoreck]: Introduction to the workshop On the Diachrony of Causal Clauses at the 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL24), Canberra (Australia) [slides].
  • July: On the diachrony of causal jako-że-clauses in Polish. Conference: 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL24), workshop On the Diachrony of Causal Clauses, Canberra (Australia) [abstract].
  • July: On emergence conditions of mirative clauses. Conference: 24th International Conference on Historical Linguistics (ICHL24), Canberra (Australia) [abstract].
  • March [with Jan Miebach]: Ansonsten ‘otherwise’ as a complementizer. Its distribution and emergence conditions, 4th Workshop “Germanistische Linguistik zwischen Köln und Tokio”, Tokyo (Japan) [abstract] [schedule] [poster].




  • December: Case-specifying conditionals in Germanic. Conference: ‘31st Comparative Germanic Syntax Workshop‘, Stellenbosch University (South Africa).
  • September: Some observations on the semantic shift of the clause-embedding predicate żałować ‘regret’ in Polish. Conference: Formal Diachronic Semantic FoDS 2016, University of Konstanz (Germany) [abstract][certificate of participation].
  • August [with Malika Reetz & Przemysław Staniewski]: The linguistics of olfaction. An introduction to the workshop ‘Towards a Typology of Olfactory Expressions’. Conference ‘49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea‘, University of Naples (Italy).
  • August: On the origin, development and use of conditional clauses. The case of falls-clauses in German. Conference: ‘Syntax of the World’s Languages VII‘, Workshop ‘Adverbial Relations and Clause Linkages’, National Autonomous University of Mexico (Mexico) [abstract].
  • July: On falls-clauses in German. Synchronic and diachronic observations. Conference: ‘The Internal and External Syntax of Adverbial Clauses. Theoretical Implications and Consequences’, Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin (Germany).
  • July: On conditional falls-clauses in German. Synchronic and diachronic observations. Summer school: ‘Word Order Variation and Change. Diachronic Insights into Germanic Diversity’, Session: ‘Complex Claues’ chaired by Jacob Hoeksema, University of Potsdam (Germany).



  • December: Zur Kopie-Anhebung im Althochdeutschen. Beginnen als Subjektanhebungsprädikat und seine Rolle in der Grammatiktheorie. Conference ’41. Österreichische Linguistiktagung’, Workshop ‘Grammatiktheorie’ organized by Hubert Haider & Martin Prinzhorn, University of Vienna (Austria) [abstract] [schedule] [certificate of participation].
  • December: Wenn man es nicht bereut, sollte man es anderen gönnen. Zum semantischen Wandel des satzeinbettenden Prädikats żałować ‘bereuen’ im Polnischen. Conference ‘Synchrone Betrachtungen, diachrone Erkenntnisse – Slavistisch-Historische Linguistik heute’, University of Freiburg (Germany) [abstract] [schedule].
  • May: On Tensed Modals in Polish, Conference ‘Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 23’, University of California, Berkeley (USA).
  • April: All You Need Is Another ‘Need’: On the Need Cycle in the History of German, Workshop ‘Linguistic Cycles II’, Arizona State University (USA).


  • September: Towards a Diachronic Typology of Subject-to-Subject Raising Predicates, Conference ’46th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea’, Workshop ‘Infinitives at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Diachronic Perspective’, University of Split (Croatia).
  • September [with Ulrike Demske]: Introduction to the Workshop ‘Infinitives at the Syntax-Semantics Interface: A Diachronic Perspective’, University of Split (Croatia).
  • August [with Elisa Kellner]: Towards a Unified Account of the Force Triggering Subjunctive Complements, Conference ‘Perspectives on Complementation’, University of Tampere (Finland) [handout].
  • August: On the Inceptive Complementation Cycle in the History of German, Conference ‘Perspectives on Complementation’, University of Tampere (Finland) [slides].
  • August [with Mathias Schenner]: From an Inferential C to a Reportative C: The Case of Evidential jakoby-clauses in Polish, Conference ’21st International Conference on Historical Linguistics’, Workshop ‘New Insights into the Syntax and Semantics of Complementation’, University of Oslo (Norway) [handout].
  • August: On the Promise Cycle in the History of German, Conference ‘Diachronic Generative Syntax 15’, University of Ottawa (Canada) [slides].
  • May: Again on why. But why? Conference ‘Formal Approaches to Slavic Linguistics 22’, McMaster University (Canada).
  • April: On the Origin of Raising Predicates: A Systematic Semantic Change? Workshop ‘Systematic Semantic Change’, University of Texas at Austin (USA).
  • January [with Marleen van de Vate]: How Might We Want to Explain Them or How to Deal with Double Modal Verbs in Dutch and German, Conference ‘A Germanic Sandwich 2013’, University of Leuven (Belgium) [handout].
  • January: On Tensed Modals in Polish, Conference ‘How Categorical Are Categories?’, University of Wrocław (Poland).


  • November [with Kerstin Schwabe]: Non-Canonically Realized Argument Clauses: German Argument wenn-clauses, Conference ‘Non-Canonical Predicative Relations’, University of Caen Lower Normandy (France) [certificate of participation].
  • September: Welche Geschichte verspricht versprechen zu versprechen? Conference ‘Sprachwandel und seine Reflexe im Neuhochdeutschen’, University of Siegen (Germany).
  • August: On Embedded Non-Finite Complement Patterns in Old Polish, Conference ‘7th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, University of Kansas at Lawrence (USA).
  • August [with Kerstin Schwabe]: On Conditional Argument Clauses in Polish, Conference ‘7th Annual Meeting of the Slavic Linguistics Society, University of Kansas at Lawrence (USA).
  • April [with Kerstin Schwabe & Elisa Kellner]: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective on Complement-like if-clauses, Workshop ‘(Mis)matches in Clause Linkage’, Centre for General Linguistics, Berlin (Germany).


  • September: Exploring the Nature and the Origin of Embedded Infinitival Questions: A Diachronic-Typological Perspective, Conference ’44th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea’, Workshop ‘Covert Patterns of Modality’, University of La Rioja (Spain) [certificate of participation].
  • July: Inhärente Kontrollprädikate und ihre Infinitivkomplemente: Eine diachron-typologische Studie, Conference ‘Language Change’, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (Germany).
  • April: Inherent Control Predicates and Their Complements in the History of German, Conference ‘The Germanic Linguistics Annual Conference 17’, University of Texas at Austin (USA).


  • October: Zur epistemischen Infinitheitslücke aus diachroner und typologischer Sicht, Conference ‘History and Typology of Language Systems’, University of Zielona Góra (Poland).
  • September: Polish mieć (‘to have’) as an Evidential Marker and its Interplays with Hearsay Adverbs jakoby (‘allegedly’), podobno (‘apparently’), rzekomo (‘reputedly’), Conference ’43rd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea’, Vilnius University (Lithuania) [certificate of participation].
  • February: Zur epistemischen und evidenziellen Selbstbezüglichkeit, Conference ‘Deutsche Tagung der Sprachwissenschaft in Italien’, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy).


  • September: Zur Wiedergabe der Epistemizität in literarischen Übersetzungen – eine vergleichende Studie, Conference ‘Translation: Theorie – Praxis – Didaktik’, University of Wrocław (Poland) [certificate of participation].
  • September: What Is It That Keeps the Rein on Epistemic Modality So Tight? A Cross-Linguistic Perspective and Theory of Mind, Conference ’42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea’, Workshop ‘Theory of Mind and Relevance – Approaches to Linguistic Description and Communicative Explanation’, University of Lisbon (Portugal) [certificate of participation].
  • September: Epistemizität im narrativ-reflexiven Diskurs, Conference ‘Der Diskurs im Spannungsfeld von System- und angewandter Linguistik’, University of Szczecin (Poland) [certificate of participation].


  • November: (Deutsche) Modalverben und ihre Funktionalität. Ein sprachvergleichender Überblick über ausgewählte Verbalkonstruktionen, Conference ’44. Studentische Tagung Sprachwissenschaft’, University of Münster (Germany) [certificate of participation].
  • September: Inwiefern fungiert Modalverb als Auxiliarverb? Eine vergleichende Fallstudie, Conferene ‘Germanistische Linguistik extra muros – Inspirationen, Aufgaben, Aufforderungen’, University of Wrocław (Poland) [certificate of participation].